Minutes of SHA Central Council January 2017



Minutes of Central Council Meeting 14/01/2017

London; Unite Building 128 Theobalds Rd WC1X 8TN

Chair: Chris Bain

  1. Apologies: Dr Patrick French, Dr Peter Mayer, James Gill, Caroline Walsh, Jos Bell (present for a short time), Steve Bedser, David Mattocks, Patrick Vernon and Brian Gibbons

The Chair asked the meeting for agreement that the items on the agenda be moved as follows:

Election Arrangements to be moved to after Matters arising (to item 4 on the Agenda)

Policy review moved (to item 5 on the Agenda); and also to consider a Policy review day to consider the document(s) in more detail. Agreed.

  1. Minutes of Central Council Meeting of 24/09/2016 agreed as accurate
  1. Matters Arising:
  1. Julian Tudor Hart: As agreed, Chris Bain has written to Julian with no response. Tony Beddow advised the meeting that this was due to ill health, but that it could probably be followed up in the next week or two. John Lipetz added it was important to do our best to keep him as President. Course of action agreed.

  2. Cooperative Bank: Martin Rathfelder (Director) advised that Central Council had been told by the bank we would need to comply with their requests for proof of identity before the 25th September 2017 or they might be unable to continue with our banking arrangements

It was agreed to support Vivien Giladi’s proposal that we should consider a name change for the post of director, and that the Officers will take responsibility.

It was agreed that Chris Bain’s proposal that a single item agenda for the election of vice chairs after the AGM be adopted.

It was agreed to support Alex Scott-Samuel’s proposal that we should not alter the constitutional position in respect of Vice Chairs.

  1. Electoral Reform:

After a full discussion it was agreed that the officers would be responsible for any elections arising at the Annual General Meeting, and look to, for example, the Electoral Reform Service in the longer term.

  1. Policy Review Process: This section was led by Brian Fisher:

It was agreed to set a separate date for Central Council to consider the Policy Review.

It was agreed that we would adopt the “drawers” idea where a “flavour” of the document would be initially available, with drawers of deeper complexity available depending on the level of information needed.

It was agreed to adopt Colenzo Jarrett-Thorpe’s proposal on a transitional approach blueprint for an incoming new government (what to do in the first 100 days) providing a framework for action.

It was agreed that main aims and values should be on a national level, however the devolved countries should be free to consider how to get to where our aims and values lie.

  1. Action on Smoking and Health:

Martin Rathfelder’s proposal that Joss Bell be appointed the Socialist Health Association delegate to action on Smoking and Health was agreed.

  1. Women’s Issues: Jean Hardiman Smith’s proposal that as Secretary she takes on the role of Women’s Liaison and support was agreed.
  1. Campaigning: Health campaigns Together March demonstration and the Copeland By-Election.

The demonstration will be London only. Volunteers are needed to carry the SHA banner

Jane Roberts will circulate her paragraph on the language the Government is using around the NHS

An item on the wording of the membership briefing will be added to the next agenda

  1. Labour Party Matters:
  1. Martin Rathfelder advised that we have submitted a constitutional amendment to Clause 4 as follows:

Labour is a democratic Socialist party working for a fairer, healthier and more equal society.

This will be on the agenda for the Labour Conference. The wording cannot be changed and is as agreed by Central Council.

  1. National Policy Forum: Martin Rathfelder advised this is still discussing mental health.
  1. Financial Report:

Presented by Martin Rathfelder: This report is unaudited: At the end of 2016 the Socialist Health Association had £27,316.00 in the bank, an increase of £6,500.00 during the year.

Martin Rathfelder advised that around half the increase in profits was from advertising.

Alex Scott-Samuel proposed a paper on advertisers regarding whether they were ethical and what their core values were. Vivien Giladi requested that Alex Scott- Samuel suspended his motion and minutes and papers on the issue are to be sent to him.

  1. Any Other Business:

Stuart Bellwood proposed that we consider advertising with the Durham Miners’ Gala

This was agreed.

It was agreed that the Ambulance Service be included in the Policy Review.

It was agreed that to avoid potential clashes with other important meetings that members take responsibility and advise Martin Rathfelder of any dates to be avoided for SHA meetings.

The meeting closed at 3pm prompt.