Reconsidering our principles


We agreed a few paragraphs about ten years ago, which we use to describe what the Socialist Health Association is.  We are now considering whether we can improve on that description.

What do you think of these proposed words?

The Socialist Health Association is a democratic membership organisation. We campaign for a fairer, healthier and more equal society. Founded in 1930 as the Socialist Medical Association our members helped the Labour Party set up the National Health Service. Since 1948 we have been working to defend and extend the NHS and to reduce inequalities in health.

These are our principles:

  • Health care is a communal responsibility that should be available to rich and poor alike in accordance with need.
  • Care should be free at the point of use and funded through progressive taxation to meet the physical, mental health and well-being requirements of the community.
  • People should be engaged in their own care, and communities should be engaged in the well being of their locality and in democratic control over services.
  • We want a society which reduces health inequality and promotes health and well being.

Of course these are not our only principles.  We are also reconsidering the vast range of policies we have formulated over the last 86 years.   The point of this statement is that we need something very concise to go on membership forms and the like.  So if you would like to suggest improvements please don’t make the statement longer.