
SHA Cymru Wales wishes to congratulate Andrew Griffiths, Chief Information Officer and Director of NHS Wales Informatics Service on winning NHS healthcare champion of the year at the EHI awards in October 2015″.
The award was voted on by readers of Digital Health News and is richly deserved.

“Andrew Griffiths has made a dedicated and outstanding contribution to the development of information and technology services in NHS Wales. He has been instrumental in bringing to fruition a national architecture that will make joined up care a reality. Under his leadership, NHS Wales has delivered national systems, such as pathology and PACS, not seen in other parts of the UK. His commitment to collaborative working across the public sector has been hugely influential in the transformation of informatics services in Wales. An example is the procurement of the new Community Care Information Solution, which will unite community health and social care. This is an outstanding achievement that will lead to fundamental change in care delivery.By putting in place the architecture, NHS Wales – under Andrew’s IT leadership – is setting the structure for the right information, for the right patient to be available at the right time while also focussing on growing the skills of staff and leading software developments in house and externally. All of this is done in an unassuming but dedicated and personable way.”