DevoManc official briefing


This document is from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and outlines their intentions.

The Greater Manchester Devolution Agreement was settled with Government in November 2014, building on Greater Manchester Strategy development.  It includes powers over areas such as transport, planning and housing – and a new elected mayor.

Ambition for £22 billion handed to Greater Manchester .

The Memorandum of Understanding on Health and Social Care devolution was signed in February 2015 by NHS England plus the 10 Greater Manchester councils, 12 Clinical Commissioning Groups and NHS and Foundation Trusts

It covers acute care, primary care, community services, mental health services, social care and public health.

The plan is to take control of estimated budget of £6 billion each year from April 2016.


To ensure the greatest and fastest possible improvement to the health and wellbeing of the 2.8 million citizens of Greater Manchester


  • Improve the health and wellbeing of all of the residents of Greater Manchester from early age to older people, recognising that this will only be achieved with a focus on the prevention of ill health and the promotion of wellbeing
  • Move from having some of the worst health outcomes to having some of the best
  • Close the health inequalities gap within GM and between GM and the rest of the UK faster


  • Enable us to have a bigger impact, more quickly, on the health, wealth and wellbeing of GM people
  • Be more free to respond to what local people want – using their experience and expertise to help change the way we spend the money
  • Create more formal collaboration and joint decision making across the region to co-ordinate services to tackle some of the major health, housing, work and other challenges – supporting physical, mental and social wellbeing

DevoManc Board

Strategic plan

The Strategic Plan will need to set out the vision for the delivery of services within GM and what a sustainable approach would look like.  A high level needs assessment will be included by consolidating existing documents and data.

The GM Strategic Plan will provide a framework to ensure the overall level of ambition is achieved and for the development of Locality Plans. Each Locality will produce their own five year Strategic Plan for the five years from 2016/17.

A key component of the Strategic Plan will be to identify new models of care/ strategies  across all settings and the transformational programmes required.

A GM Model will be developed that will enable scenario planning for the significant issues around the changes of services that will be required. The GM Model needs to capable of modelling at  a strategic level the impact of care models and other options which are developed in the New Models of Care work  and also will need to pull together locality and  sector plans.

Early Implementation Priorities

  • Seven day access to primary care
  • Public Health programme
  • Academic Health Science System (AHSS)
  • Healthier Together decision
  • Dementia Pilot
  • Mental Health and Work
  • Workforce policy alignment

Devolution Timetable