The key challenges for care are:-
- the level of funding is inadequate
- not enough is done on primary prevention, social determinants of health and inequalities compared to remedial care
- waits are too long especially for diagnostics
- the outcomes from the system are not good enough
- the variation in outcomes is unacceptably large
- our experience of care is often poor in both health and social care
- provision of care is not joined up around the needs of individuals
- not enough is achieved in terms of reducing inequalities
- care is still in silos (acute, primary, social, mental health etc)
- focus on the individual, little concern with populations or community
- poor accountability
Root causes of key issues are:-
The level of funding is inadequate
- magic solutions do not work
- needs investment to enable changes
- needs higher level of revenue funding in both social care and health
- inefficiencies through fragmentation
Not enough is done on primary prevention compared to remedial care
- Clinical culture focued on interventions
- No tradition of focus on population health and poor evidence base
- We are an individualist society and getting more so.
Waits are too long especially for diagnostics
- Poor management of the workflow
- Inadequate investment in people, systems and admin
The outcomes from the system are not good enough
- Inadequate useful data to clinicians which is then used to encourage better practice
- Inadequate inspiration by leaders and the system
- Inadequate peer competition
- General practice not interventionist enough
- Inadequate funding in some areas
- The UK population has poor health literacy and knowledge
The variation in outcomes is unacceptably large
- General practice is poorly managed and poorly organised
- Lack of effective role for Royal Colleges in publishing and enforcing standards
- Lack of commitment to collect/publish high quality comparative data
Our experience of care is often poor
- Chronic underfunding of social care and resulting poor quality of workforce
- Little shared decision-making or for self-care
- Inadequate respect as a patient
- Admin across the NHS for non-urgent care is poor
- Clinicians are not interested or familiar in responding to patient experience
Provision of care is not joined up around the needs of individuals.
- Although the NHS is a single system, silos around power bases remain
- Inadequate records, poorly coordinated records and patients don’t yet have access to their information
- Little research and guidelines
- Differentiated provider bodies and royal colleges
- Separation of a means tested social care system
- GPs as small businesses
- Fragmentation caused by H&SC Act
- NHS separate from rest of public services
Mental and physical health are split, intellectually and functionally
- A Cartesian system
- A historic divide
- Different nurse training in the two sets of hospitals
- Few liaison psychiatrists, even fewer in paediatrics
- Difficulty in doing diagnostics in mental hospitals
- Difficult responding to recurrent problems with no diagnosis
A frightened and bullied and multiply inspected NHS
- Stressful work and defensive attitudes
- A hero culture, little support for clinicians
- A legalistic approach to failure
- The simplest response to failure is to inspect rather than find causes and holistic responses
- Little trust across the system
- Little experience or trust in formative processes outside general practice.
Poor accountability
- NHS has never had any democratic accountability
- Hostility of professions to Shared Decision Making and Community Development
- Cultural divide between health as bureaucracy and social care as democratic accountability
- Public distrust of elected representatives
- poor quality of some elected representatives; lack of training and development.
Increase Resources in Health and Social Care
- £2bn into transformation fund
- settle pay disputes
- increase funding into social care
- invest in development of councillors, governors, senior managers in care system
- invest in community development and PPI
- take strategic control over capital spending and asset management
- remove role of competition authorities
- stop competition in the NHS
- new funding scheme – to channel most funding through LAs based on weighted capitation set up a transformation fund
- Challenge Treasury on the drive to austerity
- centralise major property management (eg PFIs)
- renegotiate PFIs
- Begin reverse PFI for redundant land, working Has to lease it out and gain substantial profits
Primary prevention, the social determinants, reducing inequalities
- Boost Public health (how?)
- Promote community development
- Introduce in training for all community staff and all clinicians
- Assurance and inspection regimes insist that this is a vital focus
- HWBs to become the commissioners
- Harness the Social Value Act
- A Living Wage
More focus on communities
- Community development throughout primary care
- A stronger PH focus
- A clear evidence base
- Community reps on Boards and on all key commissioner committees
- Use modelling
- Improve management
- More staff
- Online booking and customer management systems
- Invest in diagnostics
Outcomes and variation
- Improve role of Royal Colleges in publishing and enforcing standards
- collect/publish high quality comparative data
- peer competition
- NICE to focus more on multimorbidity
- Invest in diagnostics
- Restart the National Service Framework approach
- Performance manage primary care, with a more formative approach than now.
Poor Experience of care
- Patient experience outcomes as part of performance measurement
- Training for all clinicians in promoting shared decision-making and self-care through techniques such as motivational interviewing
- Making available and in all clinicians’ consciousness techniques that encourage SDM/SC, such as record access, decision aids, patient agenda setting, group appointments
- Reduce waits through more staff, far more use of IT, more diagnostics, modelling, buddying poor performers with better ones, comparing performance publically.
- Improve admin through shared electronic records, tripadvisor feedback, more staff.
- plan to bring social care staff into A4C
- consult on new workforce planning system
- support staff through systems such as Schwartz rounds
Siloed care
- remove role of competition authorities
- remove payment by results payment and replace with a range of options that could be trialled, based on success in other countries
- rebuild and invest in partnership structures (like SPF)
- repeal HASCA
- social care free at the point of use, eventually, starting with palliative care.
- Commissioning through HWBs, then through LAs – will need significant boost to existing HWBs.
- Community development supported to integrate statutory services from the ground up
Mental and physical health are split
- Nurses to have physical health training
- More liaison psychiatrists, including in paediatrics
- ??
A frightened workforce
- Formative assessments
- Dismantle much of the inspection regime
- Support staff through Schwartz rounds and similar interventions
- Either make all hospitals FTs or get rid of the FT concept (my preference) while keeping the PPI aspects
- Remove failure regimes
- No competition in the system except for peer competition
- NSFs
- Social care staff into A4C
Poor accountability
- Assume participatory and representative democracy
- move to a rights based approach to entitlement
- community development throughout primary care
- lay people in all key committees in commissioning organisations
- improve the FT-type structures and include in all commissioning organisations
- remove competition and marketization in the NHS, thus almost removing the corporate influence
- democratically accountable commissioners