The Daily Mail never fails to excel in biased, nasty and downright misleading reporting.
This is the price we pay for a free press but its diatribe against the NHS in Wales is a new low. Apart from the pathetic quality of its research, this type of reporting sows unjustified fear and worry amongst unfortunate Welsh Daily Mail readers.
The Welsh First Minister, Carwyn Jones AM, acknowledges that there are issues with the NHS in Wales but so also are there major problems with the NHS in England.
Patient surveys of NHS users in Wales show very high levels of satisfaction with the services .. higher than England in some instances. The comparative study of the NHS across the UK by the Nuffield Trust shows no substantial difference between any of the services.
We must see this attack for what it is … a concerted anti-Labour attack by the Tories using a rabid Daily Mail as its attack dog.
A flavour of the Welsh Government’s response to the Daily Mail.