Notes of SHA Cymru Wales Officers Meeting


Notes of Officers Meeting Tuesday 10th June 2014  

Notes of last meeting were agreed


a)    Noted: the suggested meeting with Shadow Welsh Secretary  Owen Smith had not yet been arranged – action : secretary to chase.

b) Launch of 10 Steps: the launch had gone well, with good support   from Labour AMs. Mike Hedges help in arranging it was welcomed, as was the interest and attendance of Mark Drakeford.         Interest had also been shown by the Welsh RCGP and this was  being followed up.

National Council report back

The Chair reported on the 7th June Central Council. The main business was to agree the SHA’ s amendments to the draft Labour manifesto and changes proposed by Welsh delegates were accepted to ensure an incoming Labour Government repealed the 2012 Act, scrapped the internal market, restored  the duty on the S of S to provide a service, and returned the NHS to being  a collaborative and overwhelmingly publicly owned and run body.

Recent internal difficulties re governance and policy making were to be resolved using the good offices of Unite and GMB and the terms of  reference for this work would be agreed shortly with the secretary contributing as SHA Vice Chair.

Public Health : Comments and submission

Members had not responded to the Chairs draft submission. Agreed:    Chair to re-draft in the light of other comments – e.g. from ASH and then seek further comments before submission on 24th June.

Question Time –  BBC FOI / Labour request

Concerns had been raised by members about the latest Question Time  broadcast from Wales. The BBC’s policies relating to balance and  devolved administrations were unclear. Agreed: secretary to submit FOI requests relating to how panellists were selected, and extant policies in  this regard.

 Web site

There was a short discussion  on whether SHA Wales should  develop its  own web site; agreed, make further enquiries and discuss at next  meeting.

Next members meeting : topic and location

 Two topics were considered as possible topics  for discussion; a) safe staffing levels to help inform the proposed Bill, and primary care / 10 Steps. Agreed: secretary to sound out  possible speakers and set up meetings after discussion with officers.

D. Sissling’s successor

Noted: Andrew Goodall had succeeded David Sissling and had already  taken up post. The secretary had offered congratulations and was seeking a conversation about capacity planning.

Treasurers report

            There was a balanceof £343.39 and £200 was to come from SHA UK to help with printing costs.

 Next officers meeting: 12th August 3-30pm Sarne