Notes of SHA Cymru Wales Officers Meeting


May  6th  2014 at Unite Offices Cardff

Present: Alison Scouller, Philippa Ford, Tony Beddow

Notes of last meeting – Notes of April 8th 2014 meeting were agreed.


a)  FOI Request UHW cardiac care

Noted: NHS England had now supplied copies of correspondence from Welsh Government and Ms Charlotte Leslie MP regarding cardiac care in UHW. It was felt curious  that, for some reason, a copy of an apologetic  letter written by Ann Clwyd MP to Sir Bruce Keogh was included in the correspondence along with replies from Welsh Government officials.

b) Meeting with Madeleine Brindley

Chair and secretary reported on a constructive meeting with Madeleine Brindley – special adviser to Mark Drakeford – held on 3rd April. It was agreed  to ensure good lines of communication were kept open.

c) Public health legislation

Agreed: Alison Scouller would prepare a draft response and  members would be circulated and their comments invited.

 3Report back from Central Council.

Tony Beddow reported back on the recent Central Council held in Birmingham. There were concerns that matters left over from the AGM

– the failure to agree the accounts and membership issues  – had not been dealt with. Neither had written concerns raised by a number of CC members been deemed worthy of discussion.

There had been a surprise presentation on “commissioning” from a cabinet member from Birmingham City Council. Some debate on the coming Party manifesto had taken place and the removal of the internal market had been agreed.

4.     10 Steps Document

The launch the this document would be an event in the Senedd on 20th May. The secretary would alert the media and provide an early copy to Madeleine Brindley. Coffee and teas would be ordered for 25 people.

5.     Meeting with Wales Labour                 

Noted: the officers meeting had been preceded by a constructive meeting with Martin Eagleston, Wales Labour, to discuss ways in which the SHA Cymru Wales could add informed comment to the debate about the merits of the NHS in England and Wales.

6.  All member meetings.

It was agreed that the All Member meetings could address:

a) developments in Primary Care and the 10 steps document or

b) the challenges of defining and providing safe staffing levels in the NHS

The meeting would “open” and shared with medical, nursing and other bodies, possibly in Cardiff or Swansea in late September.

7.  Meeting with President: Julian Tudor Hart

Chair and secretary had recently met with Julian Tudor Hart to review aspects of the future work of SHA Cymru Wales.

8.  Treasurer report    The Treasurerreported acurrent balance of £582.39.

Date of next officers meeting: 10th June 2014 at Sarne

AGM to be in September