Proposed amendments to Stronger, Safer Communities


These amendments relate to the Stronger, Safer Communities consultation document.   They are merely ideas at present.  Nobody has agreed them.

Page 4

line 16 insert “Labour will tackle the problem of under-occupation by taxing empty property and removing the tax incentives which encourage investment in property for rent”.

Page 5

Line 3 insert “Inequality in the UK is mediated by housing. While many have no adequate home others have several homes, all steadily appreciating in value because of scarcity. Rich people are increasingly  and unhealthily segregated from the poor in gated communities. Selection for the best schools is conducted by estate agents.”

line 7 Delete sentence beginning “As a last resort…” Insert “We will introduce a tax on land”

Line 33 Delete paragraph  beginning “Labour believes that…”  Insert “Labour will alter the law to give private tenants more protection from eviction, exploitation and unjustified rent increases. Landlords who benefit from the provision of Housing Benefit will be expected to bring their properties up to reasonable standards.”

Page 6

Insert on  at line 22
“Tenant Voice
Labour recognises the importance of tenants and leaseholders having a stake and a voice in their housing – whether their homes are owned or managed by local authorities, housing associations or arms-length management organisations (ALMOs). Rochdale Borough Housing and Phoenix Community Housing in Lewisham are examples of real tenant empowerment.”

Line 30 insert “Returning Public Health to Local Authorities is a logical step which we support, but it needs to be accompanied by a development of more powers for local authorities to protect the health of their communities. We will change the law to make it clear that public health should be taken into account in all planning and licensing decisions and to ensure that public authorities at all levels must undertake Health Impact Assessments of their decisions.”

Page 7

Line 10 insert ” The NHS will harness community building/development approaches, ensuring that local communities work with statutory agencies to set the agenda for change that meets their needs. This, within a national framework of entitlements set by government.  ”

Line 32 Insert “We will review the complex and ineffective mechanisms for involving local communities in the running of the NHS”.