Proposed amendments to Better Politics


These proposals relate to the Better Politics Policy Consultation document.  They are merely proposals. They are not agreed by anyone at present.

Page 4.

line 24 insert. “People who have more control over their own lives and work are healthier.  Taking part in any community activity is a vital way of protecting and improving mental health. Health providers will be directed to support the growth of local voluntary and community groups as a whole, cooperating with the other services which have a mutual interest in this, as described in the paper on stronger, safer communities. We will ensure that health agencies play an active part in deploying community development, with the clear objective of strengthening the constructive role of the community and voluntary sector in relation to health.  There needs to be a shift so that we look at the most disadvantaged people regaining a sense of hope control and optimism over their lives, working on the strengths, (assets), of people, their families and the communities in which they live – this will impact positively on mental health and well-being and is evidence based from the recovery framework that is gaining credence in mental health

line 43 insert “The third sector often plays a crucial role in providing services through supporting people to live at home, and providing advocacy and rehabilitation services.  Local Authorities, NHS agencies and commissioned service providers will therefore be expected to play their part in ensuring that every locality has a thriving third sector”

line 47 insert “We will reform tendering processes to ensure that the voices of local people are much more strongly heard and corporate greed and dishonesty are penalised”

Page 5

line 10 Delete “Our aim is that for the first time”

Page 6

line 41 insert “Electoral registers will not be made available for marketing or debt collection purposes”

Page 7

line 38 delete from “After all ..” to the end of the paragraph. Insert “Decisions about the running of local NHS services will be made by elected local authorities”

Page 8

line 46  insert new section “Age”…”We will ensure that there is parity of treatment in health and social care services in respect of both youth and  age.  This implies

  • equal access to effective, safe care
  • equal efforts to improve the quality of care
  • the allocation of resources on a basis commensurate with need
  • equal status within healthcare education and practice
  • equally high aspirations for service users
  • equal status to the measurement of health outcomes

Page 9

Line 23 add “People with mental health problems have been particularly hard hit by changes to benefit assessment processes”

Line 34 add “ Poverty, isolation, social injustice and discrimination generate and exacerbate mental ill-health. More effort needs to be taken to build stronger communities, limit the loneliness many people are experiencing and  reduce economic inequality.”

Page 10

line 4 insert “It is unacceptable that black people are stopped and searched more than seven times more than white people”