Labour’s nanny state plan for drinkers

Food Public Health

The Daily Mail claims to have a copy of proposals from the Shadow Cabinet subgroup on health.

They say the Labour health blueprint includes:

  • A total ban on the current £300 million sports sponsorship by drinks firms.
  • Minimum alcohol price to stop ‘pre-loading’ by young drinkers.
  • Banning supermarkets from selling drinks near the door, or sweets at the tills.
  • New laws to curb the amount of sugar, fat and salt in food aimed at children – and a 9pm watershed  for TV adverts for unhealthy products that might appeal to youngsters.
  • Lottery cash to build skateboard parks.
  • Aiming to get half the population to take regular exercise within ten years.
  • A goal that children born from next year will be the ‘first smoke free generation’.
Daily Mail view of Labour public health policy
Daily Mail view of Labour public health policy