Proposals for Labour policy on the NHS


Agreed by Central Council 26 April 2014

Focus on a small number of key points and try to build a consensus for support.  Each point would firm up the rather bland statements into something more like commitments (or even aspirations).

Key areas:-
1) To restore the duty of the Secretary of State to deliver a comprehensive system and to have powers of intervention in any part (including Foundation Trusts).
2) To replace the market based commissioning/procurement system with one which plans the delivery of integrated public services in a democratically accountable manner, removing all legal and organisational barriers to collaboration and cooperation.
3) To progressively move to a system where personal social care is free at point of need, as with healthcare – removing the artificial distinction.
4) To develop an integrated care workforce plan and to implement (after consultation) including the workforce related recommendations from Sir John Oldham and Kingsmill and the Unison Charter for Care.
5) To commit to working to develop a 10 year plan for care based on as wide a consensus as possible and to set out within a year how to fund a modern comprehensive care system.
This list is neither complete nor final.