Minutes of SHA AGM 8th March 2014


Prepared by Tony Beddow from contemporaneous notes on 10 March 2014

Chair’s opening remarks

1. The Chair referred to the suggested timing of items. The fixed ending time of 3pm was challenged. It was stated that this was fixed by the staff availability at Unite. The suggested timing was agreed.

A point of order was raised concerning the point at which the newly elected Chair would assume control of the meeting. Noted: the Constitution was silent on the matter and there were no Standing Orders. Noted: practice in the Labour party was for new officers to assume their position immediately after outgoing officers had reported. One member of Central Council opined that the practice of the SHA differed.

2. The order of items was discussed; noted – the election count was underway and the results would not be  known for some time. Noted – the reports of officers undertaking the scrutiny of the election may need to move to the end of the agenda. It was moved and agreed that items 9 a-f would be taken after the report of the Governance group and items 9g- v.

3. The Chair asked if the meeting would accept the attendance of non members; it was moved and agreed that a co-opted member of Central Council (who was not an individual member)  be allowed to stay; it was noted that that co-opted member would not be able to vote. That attendee left the meeting.

Agenda of the meeting

Agenda item 1  Apologies were noted

Agenda item 2 Minutes of the  2013 AGM were approved

Agenda item 3  There were no matters arising

Agenda items 4 Results of ballot.  This could not be taken at the meeting as the count had not been completed  by 3pm and the close of the meeting

Agenda item 5  New members of Central Council nominated by branches were noted, as was the possibility that these might change depending on the results of item 4

Agenda item 6 a)  David Mattocks and Dr Tom Fitzgerald were re-elected as  auditors
6 (b) Delegates to party conference was deferred to the CC
6 (c)   Patrick French, Jos Bell, and Dr Shibley Rahman were nominated  as delegates to the Socialist Societies; CC should also add others

Agenda item 7 (a)  The Chair’s report was noted without debate
7 (b) The Directors report was noted without debate
7 (c)  The membership  report was received and questions raised on its clarity and accuracy. The report was not accepted.
7 (d)  The report on On line presence was referred (without discussion) to Central Council; members had had difficulty accessing it via the web site

Agenda item 8  The Finance and Audit report was received. Queries were raised on:

i)  The absence of any reference to liabilities for which financial provision should be made – notably a sum for redundancy payments.
ii)  The absence of clarity about the provision of  reserves
iii) An apparent contradiction between this report and that covered under item 7 (c) concerning membership data.

The auditors were not present to deal with the queries.  The report was not accepted. It was noted that any membership discrepancies might  affect the results of the ballot.

Agenda item 9  Report of the Governance group  and proposed Constitutional amendments 

The Report was introduced by the Chair, supported by each member of the Group, The purpose of each of the themes underpinning the proposed changes was explained.  With that background item 9g-v was taken.

Item 9 g  This change did not attain the necessary two third majority
Item 9 h  This change was carried
Item  9i   This change did not attain the necessary two thirds majority
Item 9j  This change was carried
Item 9 k  This change did not attain the necessary two thirds majority
Item 9l  This change did not attain the necessary two thirds majority
Item  9m This change did not attain the necessary two thirds majority
Item 9n  This change was carried
Item 9o  This change did not attain the necessary two thirds majority
Item 9p  This change did not attain the necessary two thirds majority
Item 9q  This change did not attain the necessary two thirds majority
Item 9r  This change was carried
Item 9s This change did not attain the necessary two third majority
Item 9t This change did not attain the necessary two third majority
Item 9u  This change did not attain the necessary two thirds majority
Item 9v  This change did not attain the necessary two thirds majority
Items 9 a-f  These did not attain the necessary two thirds majority

Agenda Item 10 Resolutions

Item 10 a   Agreed: officers were to bring their proposals for managing complaints and grievances  to Central Council for agreement.
10 b  Agreed : The  document Response to Labour’s Final Year Document would be referred to Central Council.
10 c  Agreed:  The proposal regarding the Communications Group would be referred to Central Council.
10 d  The Resolution was amended to read “The AGM of the SHA reaffirms the SHA’s opposition to  NHS privatisation and notes” etc. The motion was carried.
10 e  The item was received after the deadline for business. It was not discussed, but referred to Central Council for consideration.

 Agenda item 11    

 11 a  This was briefly discussed and a view offered  that affiliation to  the NHS Alliance should cease. The meeting concluded with agreement that this item be discussed at Central Council.

The meeting concluded at 1500hrs, No further business was conducted. Items 11b,12, 13, 14 and 15 were not reached.