Presentation on European Union Common Agricultural Policy by Christopher Birt at our seminar in Sheffield, 11th October 2013
The origins of the Common Agricultural Policy were in the famine and starvation in Europe in 1940s and post-war rationing which was retained in UK to feed Germany. The first aim of European agricultural policy was to ensure that this never recurred.
The Common Agricultural Policy is designed to protect the rural economy, and to ensure food self-sufficiency. It is based on support to the production of certain commodities. In the first 20 years this led to “beef mountains”, “milk lakes”, “butter mountains”, etc., CAP responses included milk quotas, free butter for hospitals (!), etc. There was agreement in 2003 to “uncouple” production and subsidy (implemented from early 2005). Farm support is now linked to environmental protection, food safety, and animal welfare standards, etc., but there is no real incentive to alter production to meet changing needs.
There are now three main components of CAP:
direct “whole farm payments”,
price guarantees to producers, and
use of subsidy to manipulate market, e.g.
- free butter for hospitals,
- subsidised school milk,
- school fruit scheme,
- purchase of wine for distillation, etc.
Health impacts of the Common Agricultural Policy
The INTERHEART Study described how ”nine potentially modifiable risk factors account for over 90% of the risk of an initial acute myocardial infarction”. Diet explains more than half the deaths from heart disease.

Common Agricultural Policy and Sugar
Common Agricultural Policy and Beef
Common Agricultural Policy and milk
Dairy fat is the principal cause of high levels of population mean serum cholesterol. There is massive subsidy to milk producers, •massive overproduction, of which Commission is required to dispose. The public are encouraged to buy low fat dairy products, but the residual (saturated) dairy fat is used in cakes, pies, pastries, etc.
Common Agricultural Policy and Cereals
Common Agricultural Policy and fruit and vegetables
Common Agricultural Policy and Tobacco
Common Agricultural Policy influence on Health
The EU per capita consumption of protein from animal food products is more than double the world’s average.
Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy
- use land to produce food (and some other) products,
- protect the local rural environment,
- maintain standards of food safety, and
- maintain adequate standards of animal welfare.
Outcomes forecast for the 2005 CAP reforms:
EU Health Strategy 2007-2013
Shared health values
Health is wealth
Health Impact Assessment in All Policies
Health inequalities
EU’s global health voice
BUT No specific actions identified for the Common Agricultural Policy
CAP reforms since 2007:
- School milk regime:
- Introduction of a flat rate subsidy for all milk
- Extension of the range of products eligible
- Inclusion of secondary schools
•Fruit & vegetable regime:
- Integration of F&V into single payment scheme
- Promoting consumption: additional funds, limited free distribution
- EU school fruit scheme proposal
Further reforms are needed. While subsidies remain, they should be used to promote health, both in Europe and in developing countries, by:
- removal of subsidy from beef, dairy, and tobacco production (including in whole farm payment subsidies), etc.,
transfer of subsidy from saturated fat to unsaturated fat food products,
increased use of subsidy to promote fruit and vegetable production, and
maintenance of subsidy for cereals for human consumption, etc.,
but what should we do about sugar? Tax it?
Principles for Healthy CAP reform:
must be responsive to health requirements,
must guarantee health protection requirement of Article 168,
CAP (and CFP) should support production and promotion of healthy foods (e.g. to increase consumption of “healthy” oils of fish and vegetable origin in place of saturated fats)
the CAP should support production of protein of vegetable origin.
CAP must promote health and welfare in rural areas, especially in the new member states,
CAP should encourage food industry to produce and promote healthy food, and
must not damage developing countries.
Some of our immediate advocacy objectives:
gradual phase-out (over 10 years?) from “whole farm payment” scheme of beef (other than entirely grass-fed), dairy (other than low fat) and tobacco production,
gradual inclusion within “whole farm payments” scheme of some types of fish farming, and vegetable protein (e.g. pulses),
more support to olive, rapeseed, etc., oil production, and
•more social marketing of healthy foods throughout EU.
Questions on price support:
Could the health and environmental lobbies combine in a strategic alliance? Environmental lobby objectives include to:
•promote environmental protection and sustainability for positive impacts on health,•devise tools to support Europe`s high value natural farming systems,•link of trade with sustainability,•achieve a Soil Directive to prevent degradation,•prevent environmental contamination by Genetically Modified Organisms
Beyond this, the Global Warming Agenda. Farming contributes up to 25% of greenhouse gases. Cows (i.e. beef and dairy) contribute up to 19% (= to all transport!). Accordingly, reduction in both beef and dairy farming could have both health and environmental benefits.
Health and Environment Impact Assessments:
“Creating the conditions for easy access to healthy, sustainable and nutritious diet has clear public health benefits as diet is one of the major modifiable risk factor for chronic non-communicable diseases (obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer). The number of overweight children increases by 1.2 million per year and (with increase in child obesity 400,000 per year) in the EU. From a public health perspective, access to nutritious-effective food remains insufficient for some groups of EU citizens (e.g. the most deprived), availability of local and directly marketed food stuffs is limited, and acceptability is largely influenced by mass media which is biased towards unhealthy food stuffs (soft drinks, highly processed foods). Finally, there are concerns as regards other qualities of the food, which include the ethical factors related to production and the way animals are treated.”
Three options for policy are outlined:
Commissioner Cioloş said: “The Common Agriculture Policy has a clear contribution to health policies, providing safe and diverse food, at affordable prices for consumers and in sufficient quantity, promoting a balanced nutrition, based on quality products. But we can do more to create synergies between agriculture, education and health, to ensure that European policies address the challenges of diet related chronic diseases“
EPHAC Policy Debate Public Health’s role in the CAP, European Parliament , June 16th 2011
2011 Proposals
Direct payments – fairer distribution