Nurse Staffing Level

I am a retired Senior Nurse. Have qualifications and experience in Trauma and Orthopaedics.
I will generalise.
Care happens 24 hours a day
A&E staff cannot be  seen sitting around doing nothing -image of administrators.
Day Ward Sisters only work 40 hours a week and with days off, holidays, sickness and study are not covering the ward for more than a fraction of a day. Qualified means little if the person in charge has not the experience to care for an acute admission or returning theatre case.
Progressive patient care and pre convalescence or total ward care ?
Mixing clean and dirty cases on the same ward.
The bane of the Nurses station !
Morale which includes good management, job security and team stability.
Handmaidens to Medics and Administrators due to lack of budget control and “hospital management”
Nurses don’t manage hospitals! Consultants and Administrators with no patient care qualifications do.
Hattie Jacques and Barbara Windsor - archetypal nurses
Hattie Jacques and Barbara Windsor – archetypal nurses
Bring back Matron the sort who were in control, and question Nursing CEO’s basic ward experience !