Mind the Gap – Restriction on Access to Treatment in the NHS

Campaign resources

Thanks to Radiance Health for this useful graphic.  It’s focussed on South London, but the principles are of wider application, and there are many areas with similar problems.

It shows that

  • there is no NHS deficit. The NHS saved £3bn last year. The NHS is in surplus – and the money was given to the Treasury. There is a strong argument for saying that all surpluses should be ploughed back into the NHS, not given up.

The NHS should not be paying for procedures of little value.  We are committed to evidence based medicine. However, the Labour Party showed that PCTs are stopping procedures of good clinical value (such as bariatric surgery and cataracts).  There will always be rationing of medical treament. But it needs to be done rationally and accountably.

Mind the Gap – Restriction on access to Treatment in the NHS
This infographic was made by Radiance Health. Learn More – Mind the Gap