Tory Boy’s Picnic



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(tune: Teddy Bears’ picnic, words: Liverpool Socialist Singers/)

If you go out for a walk today

You’d better not catch a cold

You’ll end up going to hospital

And finding that it’s been sold

Cos Lansley’s cut the National Health

And sold it off to private wealth

Today’s the day we’re gathering for a fightback.

Boom time now for companies

The private sector spivs are having a lovely time today

Public sector wages freeze

And lots of jobs for them to take away

We won’t let our service die

You told a lie, that’s why

We’re making a lot of noise

Your time is up, Grim Reaper is coming

To take you all away

Because you’re sick little Tory boys

All health workers who have been good

Are in for a big surprise

When every part of the NHS

Will vanish before their eyes.

They’ll have to watch their patients die

While PFI is pie in the sky

Today’s the day we’re gathering for a fightback

Boom time now for companies The private sector spivs are having a lovely time today

Public sector wages freeze

And lots of jobs for them to take away

We won’t let our service die

You told a lie, that’s why

We’re making a lot of noise

Your time is up, Grim Reaper is coming

To take you all away

Because you’re sick little Tory boys (repeat last line)