Script for Socialist Medical Association Health Exhibition, February 1946
(Three main themes are to be developed, with the second divided into three sections of which the second, on Health Centres should occupy the greatest proportion of space)
The scheme is therefore:-
1, Health depends on environment.
2, A Health Service is required now and probably always will be; it necessitates
(a) a Hospital Service.
(b) a General Practitioner or Home doctor service of which the key-note must be the Health Service,
(c) the education of the public in the meaning, preservation and promotion of health.
- The service must be a complete integration of all Health and Medical Services.
Section 1.
Health is a balance between the individual and his environment; but he is threatened by disease agents such as bacteria and parasites and may suffer from hereditary or congenital defects.
Caption 1. Hazards begin at birth; statistics of births, stillbirths and deaths immediately after birth.
- The most dangerous time is the first year of life -statistics for different countries; cities; social strata, and differential rates for different diseases in different social groups (see Stephen Taylor’s book or Titmuss – this may be 3 or 4 screens)
3. Main environmental factors -Without adequate shelter health in our climate is impossible. Slums are great danger to health; so is bad town-planning and this affects all classes; bad house-plans may be injurious to mothers; over-crowding increases danger from disease (Statistics of infectious diseases in great towns; Madge’s book, The Rehousing of Britain for slums, etc; pictures of new houses – get plans of Carntyne Flats from Glasgow Corporation to illustrate needs of aged).
- Adequate Food is essential. Malnutrition was the fate of large numbers of people before the war (Quote Sir J. Boyd-Orr); in addition all may suffer special deficiencies such as Vitamins (Photographs of Rickets etc). What is an adequate diet? (Photographs of present rations etc)
Industrial Hazards. Every industry has general hazards due to bad lighting, ventilation, spacing of machines, noise etc. Some have special hazards, radium, lead (Sir Wn. Garrett’s statistics very valuable) and machinery that is unguarded.
Epidemics a danger to the whole world making health indivisible (Statistics of Influenza, Typhus, etc.)
7. Recreation essential to a healthy life (? table of hours of work during past century). Absence of open space leads to danger in roads for children; and for slackness and lack of interest in adults.
In Man’s environment one of the great dangers is the occurrence of diseases due to various outside agencies, the bacteria and parasites (? photographs of germs, malaria, Intestinal worms etc.) Infections cause many deaths (Tables of deaths from Tuberculosis etc.)
Some of these diseases are due to viruses, agents so small we cannot see them and some to disease, like Rheumatism, which are of mixed origin (Rheumatism in Britain)
Man has triumphed over some diseases by discovering specific antidotes to many of his enemies. Thus the Sulpha drugs are very successful against Puerperal Fever and Pneumonia (Statistics) and Penicillin is very successful against such varied conditions as Meningitis, Boils, Septicaemia (blood-poisoning) and Gonorrhoea.
Section 2a
15b. How beds are provided in this country (a) numbers per 1000 people in each area; (b) number of beds in Voluntary hospitals.
15c How the money is obtained (BHA recent figures and PEP)
15d Our best hospitals. Municipal and voluntary.
15e. The beds we need, 10 per 1,000 of the people in regions, all general but all having some special function within the region. Extra-regional services.
15f. A free and full ambulance service is a necessity (Pictures of big and small ambulances. (London Ambulance Service photographs and figures)
15g. How they build hospitals in America Scandinavia, USSR.
Section 2 (b)
Section 2 c.
25. So far we have been dealing with treatment services. We must prevent disease as far as possible, and we must educate the public as to the meaning of health, methods of promoting health, etc.
26. Scientific methods of preventing disease – hygiene, immunisation, destruction of carriers of parasites etc.
27. Personal methods also have a place but especially in promoting health (I would suggest OO for HE be asked to summarise)
28.Place of the Health Centre, by poster, films, lectures, personal advice in promoting health; mass radiography etc.
29.When will we have periodic health examinations? (Peckham figures)
Section 3.
For no single citizen is a complete health service available by a single route. The service of the future must be a single complete service.
30.How a family gets a service today (Diagram from Future of Medicine or colour diagrams similar). This is a haphazard, wasteful and unsatisfactory method of providing a vital service.
31.How a family will get its service by a single route through the family doctor at the Health Centre.
32.How it is done to today in the Highlands and Islands (Photographs from Scottish Office) shows how it can be done, in the rural areas.
33. The services we have to amalgamate are at present run by many authorities and concerns.
34. The Maternity and Child Welfare clinics have had a wonderful effect on child and maternal health and on morbidity and mortality rates. These should be inaugurated with the family doctor service and the hospitals; and specialists, doctors and midwives should be responsible for the obstetrical care of all mothers.
35. School medical services have endeavoured to look after the health of the child in the mass and play a valuable part in the raising of the standard of health of the school child.
36. The dangers of industry need special medical attention and an industrial section must be part of our new health service; with doctors who are experts in industrial diseases linked with the health centres.
37. All other welfare services, health visitors almoners etc. must be working at hospital and health centre as part of the team.
38. When the patient is convalescent arrangements must be made for a holiday in the most suitable surroundings (A chance to introduce some photographs of the Riviera and Crimea)
39. The whole National Health Service must be a part of a great Social Security Scheme which gives subsistence payments, generously calculated for sickness, accident and unemployment.