If you want to publish anything on our website you have to start by logging in. Only registered users can publish. If you aren’t registered you can do so here. If you are registered but have lost your password you can get a new one emailed to you.
There is a hierarchy of users. You start off as a contributor. That means nothing you write will be published until it is approved. Once you get more confident you can move up into a more trusted category.
When you log in you get to see behind the scenes – the dashboard. It will look something like this:
In the right hand box marked “Quick Draft” you could write your first post. You can either type directly into the box, or cut and paste from something you have already written. This very basic box doesn’t give you any editing tools. If you want to include pictures, lists, or anything at all fancy than you need to use the simple wordprocessor.
On the left hand of the screen there should be a menu bar. If you click on the word “posts” a sub menu will spring out. Select “Add new” and new controls will appear:
If you roll your mouse over the little icons an explanation will appear. Most are self-explanatory.
- The “kitchen sink” is a secondary row of controls you can turn on and off.
- The “insert image” button enables you to insert a picture if you have an internet location for it.
- The “more” tag is helpful if you have a very long page. It will cut off the display at the point you insert it, and the “more” button will appear.
- In “Distraction-free writing mode” all the WordPress controls disappear.
On the right of the page you will see the category list. It’s very helpful if tick the categories in which your post falls, so that people can find it. You can also add tags – significant words – which help search engines.
More advanced tutorials are available from Get the Most from WordPress.com