Richard Burgon

Labour Party

The Tories have brought our NHS to its knees. Not long ago, the NHS was ranked the best in the world. But Tory underfunding, outsourcing and back-door privatisation have left it in crisis.
Restoring our NHS means ditching the Tory policies that have driven the crisis. That’s what I will fight for and that’s what my record shows I have done.

In the last parliament, I brought an anti-privatisation Amendment to the terrible Tory Health and Care Bill to make the NHS the default healthcare provider. I have stood with striking health workers on their picket lines for fair pay and worked with organisations like the Socialist Health Association to push for greater funding and an end to privatisation in our health service.

If re-elected, I will always champion a properly funded, publicly run and publicly owned health service. Our NHS is for the people, not the private profiteers.

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Richard Burgon is the Labour candidate for Leeds East

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